Computes p-value from meta-analytic Q-test to assess compatibility between original and replication effect estimate.
Qtest(thetao, thetar, seo, ser)
Numeric vector of effect estimates from original studies.
Numeric vector of effect estimates from replication studies.
Numeric vector of standard errors of the original effect estimates.
Numeric vector of standard errors of the replication effect estimates.
p-value from Q-test.
This function computes the p-value from a meta-analytic Q-test assessing compatibility between original and replication effect estimate. Rejecting compatibility when the p-value is smaller than alpha is equivalent with rejecting compatibility based on a (1 - alpha) prediction interval.
Hedges, L. V., Schauer, J. M. (2019). More Than One Replication Study Is Needed for Unambiguous Tests of Replication. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 44, 543-570. doi:10.3102/1076998619852953
Qtest(thetao = 2, thetar = 0.5, seo = 1, ser = 0.5)
#> [1] 0.1797125